Monday, December 13, 2010
An Unfortunate Decision by Peter Orszag - James Fallows - Politics - The Atlantic
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
US charges scientist with economic espionage: Scientific American
By Sharon Weinberger
Could publishing a scientific article constitute an act of economic espionage? That question lies at the heart of charges against a Massachusetts-based scientist accused of passing U.S. trade secrets to China.
Ke-xue Huang, a Canadian citizen and permanent U.S. resident, was arrested on July 13, and has been charged under a law designed to protect intellectual property held by U.S. companies. At a bail hearing last week in Massachusetts, the U.S. government claimed that the scientist provided secrets belonging to Dow AgroSciences, based in Indianapolis, Ind., to the Hunan Normal University in Changsha, China. If convicted of passing the secrets, said to be worth some $100 million, Huang could face up to 15 years in prison for each of 12 counts of economic espionage.
Congress passed the Economic Espionage Act in 1996 to counter an apparent rise in foreign spies trading in commercial, rather than military, secrets. Six other cases have been prosecuted under the law, but Huang's could set a precedent for the law to be applied to industry scientists and academic researchers publishing in the open literature. This isn't the first time a scientist has faced prison time for sharing research with China; a physicist at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, was last year sentenced to four years in prison for violating export control laws. He had provided technical data to scientists in China and worked on sensitive technologies with foreign graduate students.
"It is interesting that there are--or seem to be--more cases of research triggering some government reaction, whether this is due to export control or other issues," says Thomas Zurbuchen, a space scientist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor who has been involved in efforts to reform export control restrictions on universities.
Huang's problems stem from research related to a review article. Co-authored with scientists at Hunan Normal University and James Zahn, a researcher at Coskata, a biofuel company in Warrenville, Ill., the paper describes work on a new class of insecticides that Dow has been making and marketing. The government alleges that the article contains confidential information--and that publishing it constituted theft of a trade secret, says James Duggan, Huang's lawyer. At the hearing, however, prosecutors indicated that the article is not the sole basis for the charges, which also involve e-mail communications relating to the research.
Huang worked for Dow from 2003 to 2008, but by the time of his arrest had moved to Qteros, a company based in Marlborough, Mass., that works on biofuels.
Originally from China, Huang had studied biology at China's Jilin Agricultural University, and earned a PhD in Japan. After a two-year postdoctoral stint in the mid-1990s at Texas A&M University in College Station, where he worked on sequencing biosynthetic genes for vitamin B12 production, he went to Rice University in Houston. His postdoctoral adviser there, George Bennett, says he "couldn't imagine" Huang intentionally doing something illegal. Dow has declined to comment on any specifics of the case.
Todd Sullivan, an attorney in Raleigh, N.C., who specializes in trade-secret laws, compares economic espionage prosecutions to "unicorn sightings" because the government so rarely pursues them. The government has, in fact, successfully tried only one of the other six economic espionage cases. In another case, last year, a jury acquitted two Chinese-born engineers who had been charged with stealing secrets from a Californian semiconductor company and passing them on to China.
Huang's case resembles the others in that all but one involved China and Chinese scientists. The challenge for the U.S. government will be proving that he provided intellectual property to benefit a foreign government, or an entity controlled by a foreign government. June Teufel Dreyer, a political scientist at the University of Miami in Florida who follows Chinese espionage cases, says it will be "devilishly difficult" for prosecutors to prove that a university is controlled by the Chinese government.
But the Department of Justice is clearly determined to try. The government is fighting attempts to release Huang on bail, and has asked that, even if he is released, his use of the Internet and e-mail be restricted.
In the meantime, Duggan says that he does not concede that his client stole trade secrets, or even that he violated any employment agreement with Dow. He says that Huang was motivated not by espionage, but by his desire to improve insecticides and benefit crop production. "His motives were excellent motives," Duggan insists. "Dow's motives are to protect its profits."
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Best Summer Jobs
And I would then pluck out the oyster, open it up with a knife and then just really plum around, dig around in that oyster for the pearl. I'd be really excited to find this pearl. If I wasn't excited, I'd feign the excitement. Then I'd wash it over, measure the diameter, and then I would tell them, I would appraise the pearl for them.
Mind you, I'm 15 years old, and the only instructions I really got from my supervisor was just to name two things: the color, the size. Then it was really my choice of how much price value to assign the pearl. So I would say: This rare black pearl measures eight millimeters in diameter. This would fetch you about $30 on the market, but here at SeaWorld, you only paid for the price of the mug. And, you know, of course, how could you not be excited by that? Look at that deal you just got, this treasure? These were seed pearls. They weren't, like, 100 percent pure, natural, rare pearls, of course not. Like, a seven-millimeter plastic ball with the thickness of, like, a fingernail coating of pearl on top. So kind of a sham, the whole appraisal.
I am kind of embarrassed to have been a teenage huckster in my very first job, but I'm really glad that I did. I think it's given me a lot of confidence. It really helped me to deliver what I have to say with assurance, and I can really see that now as a teacher.
No one wants a teacher who's just going to stand up and lecture about metaphor or simile or personification but, you know, if you can kind of make it more fun and deliver it in such a way that makes it interesting, then you're golden.
So, we were told that a sham appraisal experience as teenager helped her to gain confidence and be a good teacher.
I agree that teacher should make it fun and deliver it in an interesting way, but it is another thing when you try to make, or sell, a point by making things up. The distinction seems not to matter any more. Even those buying the pearls at Seaworld knew that the pearls are not authentic. A small "trick" is accepted. To tell "small" lies confidently is one of the most important traits needed for any job you can find today. If you can tell lies of any size confidently, that is even better. Maybe every teenager should take a job a husker or car dealer to help them to pursue their career later on.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
World Cup 2010 and Referees
Monday, June 21, 2010
iOS 4
My Father's Day Essay for the WSJ, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
I kinda like Jason's comment:
and:A bigger problem, I think, is that behavior genetics currently answers questions too crudely to be helpful to parents.
Can't parents who drop $100,000+ on a high status college education expect better outcomes for their children than parents who don't provide this opportunity? Logically, you would think that parents who provide costly opportunities would be dramatically affecting their child outcomes. But behavior genetic studies suggest that parental socioeconomic status doesn't do much.
Why not?
Is it because the poor parents are spending proportionately more on opportunities than rich parents? Or is it because children somehow compensate in proportion to their own abilities (e.g. making due with student loans)? Or is it because the supposed advantages of fancy colleges are a spurious reflection of student ability (consistent with Dale and Krueger)?
Behavior genetics doesn't yet help distinguish between explanations like the first and third AFAIK. But if parents take the research to indicate something like the third explanation, when the true explanation is the first, the consequences of that misinterpretation could be severe.
By the way, this is one problem I potentially have with Dr. Caplan's new book. He is advocating the idea that behavior genetics indicates parents can invest less in their children without consequences. While I do suspect this is true, the same research could conceivably be indicating the opposite. Which would mean that Dr. Caplan's suggestions could be harmful.
I worry the money investment less. I probably gonna support my kids the best I can afford and the best they can get into. The implication in Bryan's essay that the education is less important than the gene, so parents can skip the nightly reading without feeling guilty troubles me more. Education is one of the most important part of raising the kid. I don't need statistics to tell what a nightly reading can do. I can see it, and I love it.
I'd like to see the original research, but I am still in doubt.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
A best father's gift
The Case for Having More Kids -
Father's Day is a time to reflect on whether you want to be a parent—or want to be a parent again. If you simply don't like kids, research has little to say to you. If however you're interested in kids, but scared of the sacrifices, research has two big lessons. First, parents' sacrifice is much smaller than it looks, and childless and single is far inferior to married with children. Second, parents' sacrifice is much larger than it has to be. Twin and adoption research shows that you don't have to go the extra mile to prepare your kids for the future. Instead of trying to mold your children into perfect adults, you can safely kick back, relax and enjoy your journey together—and seriously consider adding another passenger.
Thank you Bryan! I am watching World Cup 2010 on the couch with my son. At least I can rest my mind for today. This does not mean that I agree with you though.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I was wrong about Apple iPad | Betanews
Keyword: Immersion.
But I missed the iPad and couldn't quite say why at first. I didn't need the device. Functionally, iPad overlapped with smartphone and laptop.I would rather call it user experience, not functionality. And Steve Jobs got it right again, user experience is more important than functionality or the spec sheet.I was wrong. On further reflection, I realized that iPad offers fresh functionality: Immersion. I find there are fewer reading distractions, and content is better presented than on a laptop and browser. I'm more focused and retain more of what I read. For reasons not easily explained, I find myself more thoroughly reading iBooks than defaulting to the skimming I sometimes do with physical books. Part of this immersive experience is the technology, but also how iPad is used. Apple's tablet is a sit down and focus device, as much because of size and shape as screen and user interface. The totality -- physical design and software benefits -- is immersion.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Pre-order Iphone 4? Good luck!
Is this bad for Apple, or it does not matter?
Gizmodo used words like a total disaster, well, they have reasons to be angry.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wireless LAN security myths that won't die | ZDNet
I am using two of them: MAC filtering and hiding SSID. I think the key message in the article is clear and valid:Waste of money, resources, time
- MAC filtering
- Disable DHCP and use Static IP addresses
- Signal suppression with expensive paint or antenna placement
Worse than no wireless security at all
Has nothing to do with security mechanisms
- Just use 802.11a or Bluetooth
Any benefit against casual bandwidth thieves is already covered by real security measures... [and] they don't make you harder to hack.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Beware of Americans Proselytizing the Chinese Economic Model « Business in The Beltway -
My [Dan Ikenson's] bet is that China’s re-embrace of greater central planning will be brief, as it wastes resources, yields few if any national champions, and limits innovation. For similar reasons, U.S. opinion leaders will eschew central planning, as well.
After massive privatization, the tides are receding. The state-owned companies now claim themselves "eldest-son".
The mega-projects like World Expo, the hi-speed rails, and etc, can easily won China some champions, but can we ignore the "unavoidable" problems such as extensive waste? The long-term effects of such mega-projects are positive or negative?
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
A 2.5-year old uses an iPad for the first time
I can imagine how my "iphone-savvy" 2-year old son would interact with the iPad. Touch is the way to go. It is intuitive and hard-wired in the brain. Just look at the toddlers and seniors. who are not typically target customers of gadgets designers.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Immigration overhaul
It minimizes access for future blue-collar foreign workers and favors visas for highly educated immigrants.
The plan’s emphasis is on making it easier for highly skilled and educated immigrants to come to the United States, including awarding residence documents known as green cards to those who receive advanced degrees in science and technology from American universities.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
China Drawing High-Tech Research From U.S. -
A large portion of Ph.D.s in engineering and science graduating in the U.S. are born in China (and India). They work for the exact same companies after the graduation in the U.S. The only differences are the working location and hassle of dealing with visas and immigration. The best and smartest are among these students. To be frank, many of them do not need a Ph.D. degree or the training in American universities to be good engineers. Many of them just use the graduate training as channel to get to the U.S. It is just convenient for the companies to open the R&D centers in China and lure the best and smartest with the companies' reputation as technology leaders and high (in local terms) pay before they spend the probably unnecessary years in American graduate school, and thus they surely will demand even higher salary.The Chinese market is surging for electricity, cars and much more, and companies are concluding that their researchers need to be close to factories and consumers alike. Applied Materials set up its latest solar research labs here after estimating that China would be producing two-thirds of the world’s solar panels by the end of this year.
With China’s economy gaining strength, Mr. Pinto and his wife, then living in Santa Clara, began insisting in 2005 that their sons study Chinese once a week.
Now 10 and 11, the boys are improving their Chinese and mastering the art of eating with chopsticks.
Microsoft and Google started this long ago. Bill Gates said before the congress during a hearing about H1B visa that these students will work for the big name companies [after graduation], just a matter of where and which companies. And now, many of them may even skip the American graduate school step.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Complexity and Collapse by Niall Ferguson
Empires on the Edge of Chaos
The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole
The Course of Empire is a five-part series of paintings created by Thomas Cole in the years 1833-36.
The first painting, The Savage State, shows the valley from the shore opposite the crag, in the dim light of a dawning stormy day. A hunter clad in skins hastens through the wilderness, pursuing a deer; canoes paddle up the river; on the far shore can be seen a clearing cluster of wigwams around a fire, the nucleus of the city that is to be. The visual references are those of Native American life.
In the second painting, The Arcadian or Pastoral State, the sky has cleared and we are in the fresh morning of a day in spring or early summer. The viewpoint has shifted further down the river, as the crag with the boulder is now on the left-hand side of the painting; a forked peak can be seen in the distance beyond it. Much of the wilderness has given way to settled lands, with plowed fields and lawns visible. Various activities go on in the background: plowing, boat-building, herding sheep, dancing; in the foreground, an old man sketches what may be a geometrical problem with a stick. On a bluff on the near side of the river, a megalithic temple has been built, and smoke (presumably from sacrifices) arises from it. The images reflect an idealized, pre-urban ancient Greece.
The third painting, The Consummation of Empire, shifts the viewpoint to the opposite shore, approximately the site of the clearing in the first painting. It is noontide of a glorious summer day. Both sides of the river valley are now covered in colonnaded marble structures, whose steps run down into the water. The megalithic temple seems to have been transformed into a huge domed structure dominating the river-bank. The mouth of the river is guarded by two pharoses, and ships with lateen sails go out to the sea beyond. A joyous crowd throngs the balconies and terraces as a scarlet-robed king or victorious general crosses a bridge connecting the two sides of the river in a triumphal procession. In the foreground an elaborate fountain gushes. The overall look suggests the height of ancient Rome.
The fourth painting, The Destruction of Empire, has almost the same point of view as the third, though the artist has stepped back a bit to allow a wider scene of the action, and moved almost to the center of the river. The action is, of course, the sack and destruction of the city, in the course of a tempest seen in the distance. It seems that a fleet of enemy warriors has overthrown the city's defenses, sailed up the river, and is busily firing the city and killing and raping its inhabitants. The bridge across which the triumphal procession had crossed is broken; a makeshift crossing strains under the weight of soldiers and refugees. Columns are broken, fire breaks from the upper floors of a palace on the river bank. In the foreground a statue of some venerable hero stands headless, still striding forward into the uncertain future, reminiscent of the hunter in the first painting. The scene is perhaps suggested by the Vandal sack of Rome in 455. A possible homage to Destruction was seen in the 2004 film Troy, when Achilles (played by Brad Pitt) decapitates a statue atop a hill during the ravishing of a magnificent imperial city.
The fifth painting, Desolation, shows the results, years later. We view the remains of the city in the livid light of a dying day. The landscape has begun to return to wilderness, and no human beings are to be seen; but the remnants of their architecture emerge from beneath a mantle of trees, ivy, and other overgrowth. The broken stumps of the pharoses loom in the background. The arches of the shattered bridge, and the columns of the temple are still visible; a single column looms in the foreground, now a nesting place for birds. The sunrise of the first painting is mirrored here by a moonrise, a pale light reflecting in the ruin-choked river while the standing pillar reflects the last rays of sunset. Sic transit gloria mundi.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Why the Meltdown Should Have Surprised No One - Peter Schiff - Mises Institute
Peter Schiff on the financial meltdown at Mises Institute
Sentences to ponder:
Back then, we borrowed money to make investments, to build infrastructure, to build factories, to build farms, to build a productive economy. We invested the money; we didn't just spend it on stuff.
And we became the world's wealthiest economy because we borrowed to produce. What we've done recently is we've borrowed to consume. We didn't produce anything. ... So how can we possibly pay the money back? We didn't acquire any income-producing assets to pay the money back.
And when the world finally lets the dollar collapse — and they will — our purchasing power isn't going to vanish, it's just going to be redistributed. Other currencies are going to rise. And people in other countries, people that are working in factories right now in China, that are producing products and just shipping them abroad and just kind of waving good-bye, all of a sudden, they'll be able to afford them.
The Chinese will be able to turn in their bicycles and buy automobiles because steel will be cheaper, because cars will be cheaper, because the value of their wages will rise because their currency will gain purchasing power.
Depression Book Bundle 20% Off
It's the Americans who are going to be buying the bicycles. Because, all of a sudden, cars will be too expensive for us, gasoline will be too expensive for us, because we'll be bidding with currency of much less value. And that's what's going to happen. And the world is not going to suffer because we don't buy their stuff. They're going to benefit because now there's going to be more stuff for them.
Right now, because the world lends us so much money, there's a capital shortage. Wouldn't the world be better off investing their savings productively in their own countries, rather than just giving their savings to us? Wouldn't they be better off enjoying the fruits of their own labor, rather than laboring while we enjoy the fruits? It's obvious. And it's going to happen.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Google buzz comment box on the Chrome browser.
![]() |
Turning off adthwart on google buzz seems to fix it.
Others also reported same problem. Given that adthwart is one of the most popular extensions on Chrome. It might be a wide spread problem.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
safety of silence
-- Howard Zinn, Historian, (1922-2010), author of A People's History of the United States
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Microsoft on iTunes in 2003: 'We were smoked' | Digital Noise: Music and Tech - CNET News
Microsoft on iTunes in 2003: 'We were smoked' | Digital Noise: Music and Tech - CNET News
One of the most interesting follow-ups comes from Groklaw, which dug up some e-mails placed into the public record a few years ago during an antitrust case against Microsoft. (These materials have been a treasure trove of interesting and sometimes-embarrassing internal communications, including then-Windows chief Jim Allchin's 2004 admission that he would have bought a Mac over a Windows PC at that time.)
Almost immediately after Apple launched the iTunes Music Store in April 2003, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates sent an e-mail to a bunch of folks in the Windows Media and MSN groups praising Steve Jobs' ability to get "a better licensing deal than anybody else has gotten for music." He continued, "We need some plan to prove that even though Jobs has us a bit flat-footed again, we move quick, and both match and do stuff better."
Allchin added his opinion in a follow-up e-mail: "We were smoked."
...Let's fast-forward to yesterday, almost immediately after GOOGLE announced BUZZ, Microsoft PR fought back:
Getting back to Dick Brass's criticism of Microsoft, I find it fascinating that top Microsoft executives were aware almost immediately of the threat the iTunes Music Store posed to the whole Windows Media ecosystem, but Microsoft was still unable to stop it. This matches what I've seen time and time again in my last 10 years following the company.
Microsoft has some smart executives who can quickly and correctly assess market changes and opportunities. Often, they come up with a good strategy to capitalize on those changes. But somewhere between strategy and execution, the thread is lost. Windows Media and Zune are most relevant to this blog, but you can see it elsewhere: online advertising, search, and mobile phones, to name three obvious examples.
“Busy people don't want another social network, what they want is the convenience of aggregation. We've done that. Hotmail customers have benefitted from Microsoft working with Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and 75 other partners since 2008.” - Microsoft statement on Google Buzz.
Will we read some emails expressing different feelings years later?
Monday, February 08, 2010
How to Succeed in the Age of Going Solo -
So, what do these thriving solo artists have in common? What is the recipe for their good fortune? My research points to five ingredients to keep in mind.
Think Long Term
Pick Right Skills and Keep Them Fresh
Typically, consultants keep their edge by attending workshops or training courses. But the most successful often add another key element to their training: They teach—whether at a regional business college, through university continuing-education programs or through workshops given by professional associations.
Join a Network
Have Your Own Space
Think Like an Entrepreneur
Thursday, February 04, 2010
bing still behind google
I first got to know the essay from a twit this morning. I googled "end of beijing concensus", without the quote, and easily located the essay at the original website, a Chinese translation, and several insightful comments. 10 hours later, just before I publish this blog, I binged again, the same phase, with and without title, the only relevant entry led me to the magazine's main page, not the essay.
Clearly Bing crawls the web much slower than google does. It is age of real-time search now. That should not be too hard to solve. Microsoft can what they are good at, throwing money at the problem. But they did not. Instead, Microsoft spends tons of dollars on TV commercials, and is sitting on a pile of cash.
Bing still has a long way to go to catch up, and it may never happen. Microsoft just becomes more and more irrelevant. They lost the ability to innovate.
The End of the Beijing Consensus | Foreign Affairs
The End of the Beijing Consensus | Foreign Affairs
Those measures, however, may be too weak to discourage the emergence of powerful interest groups seeking to influence the government. Although private businesses have long recognized the importance of cultivating the government for larger profits, they are not alone. The government itself, its cronies, and state-controlled enterprises are quickly forming strong and exclusive interest groups. In a sense, local governments in China behave like corporations: unlike in advanced democracies, where one of the key mandates of the government is to redistribute income to improve the average citizen's welfare, local governments in China simply pursue economic gain.The main thesis is thought provoking, and worth further exploring. The narrative is familiar, though. The central government is the good "cop", and the local governments act only in self-interest and ruined the well intended policy. It still leaves people wonder how to explain those policies clearly favored the interests of members of central government.
The reforms carried out over the last 30 years have mostly been responses to imminent crises. Popular resistance and economic imbalances are now moving China toward another major crisis. Strong and privileged interest groups and commercialized local governments are blocking equal distribution of the benefits of economic growth throughout society, thereby rendering futile the CCP's strategy of trading economic growth for people's consent to its absolute rule.
An open and inclusive political process has generally checked the power of interest groups in advanced democracies such as the United States. Indeed, this is precisely the mandate of a disinterested government -- to balance the demands of different social groups. A more open Chinese government could still remain disinterested if the right democratic institutions were put in place to keep the most powerful groups at bay. But ultimately, there is no alternative to greater democratization if the CCP wishes to encourage economic growth and maintain social stability.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Mr. President, the Moon is too far
“How have we made progress in this country? Look, did John F. Kennedy look at the moon and say ‘Ah, it’s too far. We can’t do that. We need a reality check,’” (source: Politico)Seemingly, after the reality check, President Obama deemed that the moon is too far.
It is probably a right decision, which is more upsetting the decision itself. GOP members still cherish the "The Shining City Upon A Hill" speech by Reagan, but the reality keeps reminding people of the possibility that the United States of America can no longer afford to be the leader of the world. For a nation, the dividends of being a world leader is huge, but at times cost might be even higher and unaffordable. It happened to older empires, Rome or Spain.
Is the moon too far? The money needed to keep the mission alive is several billion dollars per year. Considering the money handed out to bankers, and the number of executives collected more than a billion in the recession years, it is not a big amount. So the question is when it comes to spending, what are the priorities. The answer changes the direction of the nation.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
iPad ?
Most people won’t yet, but as long as Apple has its base that will buy and use the iPad, they have plenty of time for either themselves or third-party developers to create the killer uses that make the iPad a must-have product for a broader range of people. We already saw that happen with the App Store and the iPhone/iPod touch.Many people are not convinced yet, me included. I remember I was even more disappointed when iPhone was launched. It did not have 3G, it did not have GPS, it did not have multi-tasking, it did not have stylus, and on and on. All those things iPhone lacked, some still lacking today, do not seem to matter that much as it seemed. It is more about user experience. People don't like it can find tons of reasons to denounce it as sub-par product. Users are typically satisfied with their experience. Those features lacking, some of them are purely business decision instead of technical ones. As for Flash, we may see websites dump Flash and support HTML 5 much sooner. They will have to optimize the website for handsets anyway. That may be Apple's game plan from the beginning. Apple also has Google on its side on this front.
The App market revolutionized the mobile computing. Will the iBook do the same thing to the print media industry? Only time can tell. Steve Jobs claimed he was at the intersection of technology and liberal arts. There may be true. He is also at the intersection of two powerful trends: the uprising of mobile computing and a print media industry desperately looking for new business model.
Kindle won't be the answer. It is dedicated e-reader only. It has its own niche market, and that is it. It was never meant to be a revolutionary product. Windows 7 based tablet might be. Given the Microsoft's track records, I won't bet on it. As someone pointed out, Windows 7 is trying to be king of every kingdom on the earth, but it cannot. Nothing can. Microsoft does not have the control over user experience as Apple has with their close system. The MS partners? They don't have a good track record either. HP, Dell or lenovo, you name it. They are not famous for their sleek design or revolutionary products. They produce lame but (once) profitable machines people use but don't love. Android and Chrome OS will also attack the Windows 7. Again, GOOGLE proved that it is not hardware savvy company.
Given the fact there is no real competitors in this category, the iPad can do at least O.K. for a while, and give Steve Jobs some time to refine it. Or, come up with "one more thing."
Monday, January 25, 2010
Op-Ed Columnist - Is China an Enron? (Part 2) -
Friedman at NYT, produced another great line media like to quote:
If China forces out Google, I’d like to short the Chinese Communist Party.There is little in the analysis, what is remarkable is the shift of stand. I am not convinced it was triggered solely by the GOOGLE incident. Something bigger is happening under the table?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Google China May Be Shut Down: Bad for Android, Good for Apple? | Technomix | Fast Company
Meanwhile there may be one very unexpected techno casualty of a Google China shut down: Android OS. Android has seemed to be making headway in the country, with devices like Lenovo's OPhone, the HTC Magic, and Dell's Mini 3 device on sale. But if Google pulls out, it might hurt how well future Android devices do: Though the OS is effectively an open and free platform, Google's support is essential to pushing its development in the future--and why would Google push next-gen high-tech Android phones like the Nexus One in China if it's so opposed to the way China's government forces it to run its business? The move could even result in a further splintering of Android into China and everywhere-else versions. Would this move then shine more of a spotlight on Apple...which recently introduced a special China-friendly version of the iPhone a, is happy to comply with Chinese restrictions, and has numerous business interests in the country? It's extremely difficult to tell, but it would seem more likely than not.
To make the situation even more interesting, Li Huidi, son of Li Changchun, standing committee of Politburo of China Communists Party’s Central Committee in charge of propaganda, recently became vice-president of China Mobile Group. His job responsibilities include the new TD 3G network. It was planned to promote the android powered devices as Chinese copy-righted smart phones on the platform.
On Jan 13, 2010, China Mobile formally announced at the “Annual Work Meeting of China Mobile, 2010″ , that Li Huidi had been appointed VP of the Group, in charge of TD Network building and sales.His name Li Huidi /李慧镝 soon became filtered by Baidu and after the move. Will the standoff end the cooperation between China Mobile and GOOGLE once the VP's name becomes unfiltered?
Update: As of Jan 14, 2010 filters results "according to local laws and regulations". This is a step back from the public blog.
Sentence to ponder
Oversimplifying greatly, it's as though the US borrowed a pile of money from China in order to fight a war to free up oil supply in Iraq in order that China could become the greatest industrial power the world has ever seen.
demo@virushuo: Google百度和谷歌的那些事
demo@virushuo: Google百度和谷歌的那些事: "Google百度和谷歌的那些事
作者:virushuo 发表于 2010-01-14 22:01 最后更新于 2010-01-15 00:01
1 google,不作恶,信息流动
Don't be evil 这句口号,可以理解为东欧出生的布林对人生的追求,也可以理解为Google商业利益的准则。因为,越是不作恶,越是让信息有序,正常的流动,给Google带来的实际利益也就越大。很多人认为这只是一句作秀的口号,事实上这是商业和个人追求的双重准则。
2 baidu,竞价排名,Google
3 谷歌做了什么
我们可以从一些细节看到Google的小心翼翼。比如,Google.cn是没有Google Account的。用户不能注册,也就没有密码,因此也就没有泄密之忧。后来有人嘲笑谷歌音乐可以用各种帐号登录,但就是不能用Google Account登录。所有需要登录的Google服务都没有进入中国。包括Gmail,Gtalk,Blogger等等等。
去掉了blog上的google adsense
这两个特点都不是Google Adsense应有的特性。Google Adsense应该是匹配准,不干扰用户,且提供有用信息。时常读英文内容的人会时常看到Adsense广告的匹配相当精确,时而有点击的必要。
关于Adsense的故事,可以看看Tiny这篇文章 :我和Google Adsense那点故事
4 孙云丰的观点