Thursday, October 04, 2012

The first debate between Obama and Romney

Almost everyone agrees that Obama lost it. He came in the debate unprepared for:
  1. Romney's "pivot" to moderate,
  2. Romney's attack lines, some of which predictable
  3. his own data, such as $5 trillion tax cut, which Romney's denial met no challenge, 
  4. his own opening and closing statement.  
  5. and everything else. 
It seems he watched too much the well received Clinton's convention speech. The lines lost charm, when he was facing a energized, prepared, and confident opponent. He missed so many chances of hitting back. He appeared that he was not even there.

 Different theories why he lost and many  talks about how he appeared less confident. My question is that whether he was not confident.

Four years in White House does not lead to the eager to renew the lease of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.His achievement is nowhere up to the hopes he set up four years ago. The hostile congress won't change. His family is probably already exhausted.

The weak performance last night is not an outliner. His recent bounce is a Clinton bounce. Obama's own convention as weak as last night's.

The remaining question is whether we are going to see the Obama bounce.

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