Sunday, April 19, 2009


What is the difference between a phone that can play mp3, and an music player that can dial a phone call?

No matter whether you like iPhone or not, perhaps you have to admit that iPhone redefined the smart phone. Whenever there is a major release of new mobile phone we will read the headline: "Will it be the iPhone killer?" As long as we continue to read such headlines, it seems iPhone is still the king.

Is the App market for iPhone as revolunary? Maybe not, it is not entirely new. Still, if it create a vehicle for thousands developers to make some extra revenue, that means an ally of thousands, or more, developers behind it.

How long will it last? We will see.

1 comment:

Yunwei Hu said...

A follow up on the App Market. Techcrunch published a survey of App downloads.
A side topic, I don't quite like the charts they use, not clear and informative.