Wednesday, December 30, 2009
The Brand Called You
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
China fears climate change openness | John Lee | Comment is free |
China fears climate change openness
Beijing, which fears that external monitoring might reveal internal dysfunction, was backed into a corner by the US at Copenhagen
During the frantic final two days of negotiations at Copenhagen over the weekend, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton set a clever trap for Chinese premier, Wen Jiabao. Having just announced that the US would establish and contribute to a $100bn international fund by 2020 to help poor nations cope with the challenge of climate change, they added a non-negotiable proviso: all major nations would first be required to commit their emissions reduction to a binding agreement and submit these reductions to "transparent verification".
Everyone in the room knew that "all major nations" primarily meant China. From the beginning, China has steadfastly refused to accept outside monitoring and verification of its progress toward any promised targets. But the 11th-hour US proposal immediately isolated China. The onus was now on Beijing to agree to standards of "transparent verification". If it did not, poorer countries standing to benefit from the fund would blame China for breaking the deal.
Clinton's proposal had cunningly undermined Beijing's leadership over the developing bloc of countries. In anger, Chinese officials responded that such demands were an insult to China and would be a violation of Chinese sovereignty and national interests. Wen had been outflanked and was angry, even leaving the conference centre and subsequently snubbing Obama in a couple of previously planned bilateral and multinational meetings involving the US president.
Which raises the question: why the extreme response? China has long been engaging in a dangerous game of manipulating important economic numbers and concealing domestic commercial realities. Despite all its progress over 30 years, Beijing is afraid to shine too bright a light in dark places, and even more afraid that outsiders might be allowed to do so. In important respects, the government actually embraces opaqueness as a perceived advantage. The thought of "transparent verification" was seen as the thin end of the wedge, allowing outside experts broad authority to peer into the workings of middle China.
Teams of international economists, scientists, inspectors and statisticians roaming China to gather information on carbon emissions and reduction initiatives would have been unprecedented. In promoting China, Beijing projects an image of order and competence to the world. In parts of its wealthier coastal cities, China is that. But these international teams would undoubtedly discover exactly how dysfunctional the heart of the country really is. They would see first hand and report back how China's 45 million local officials remain the most formidable obstacle to improving transparency in China's sprawling economic structure – protecting their turf, defending their privileges, arbitrarily enforcing the law, and when it comes to economic performance blatantly cooking the books. Beijing still wants to assure outsiders that it remains in charge even though in important respects it is not.
This lack of accountability and transparency strikes at the heart of China's credibility in any global climate change agenda. Wen would not want foreign experts reporting to political masters in America and Europe that Beijing's capacity for compelling local officials and locally managed, state-controlled enterprises – some 120,000 companies and countless other subsidiaries – to implement climate change initiatives is extremely low. This would simply strengthen suspicions that decentralised China cannot actually honour future commitments despite promises that it intends to.
Then there is the further problem of cheating in current and future carbon reduction schemes. Developed countries need to feel confident that incentives offered to developing countries to cut emissions (in both absolute terms and emissions relative to economic growth) can be verified. Indeed, earlier this month, the UN body in charge of the clean development mechanism – a proviso under the Kyoto protocol allowing developed countries to purchase carbon offsets for funding "clean energy" developments elsewhere – suspended approvals for dozens of Chinese windfarms over suspicions that China had held back the building of planned windfarms and deliberately lowered previously allocated subsidies to make the wind farms eligible for earning credits – industrial policies that would disqualify these farms from benefiting under the scheme. China has so far received carbon credits worth more than $1bn, which is almost half of the total issued under the UN-run programme.
China's government has vigorously denied that it is attempting to illegitimately manipulate the scheme. But the point is that there is no system for independent and external verification; nor is Beijing proposing to allow one. Meanwhile, China had previously pledged that 15% (and possibly 20%) of its energy would come from renewable sources by 2020 and that special efforts would be made to close dirty power plants and impose world-class vehicle efficiency standards and proposed various other measures to cut emissions. Again, developed countries suspect that China will receive plaudits and concessions from any future carbon emissions regime without actually keeping its promises.
Alas, given the desperation to announce a "deal", Obama backed down. The so-called "Copenhagen accord" merely compels developing nations to self-report their emissions every two years and allow outside scrutiny of the data. China is off the hook for the moment, but whether this is enough to satisfy the US Congress when deciding whether to approve any future binding agreement is another matter.
What exactly is “Climate Aid”?
Q: By the way, what IS Climate Aid anyway?
A: Let’s answer this with another question: if you have a project for solar pumps to irrigate farms to grow crops for export, is this (a) climate aid, (b) agriculture aid, or (c) aid for trade? Does the answer depend on which type of aid is currently most popular?
How do I know China wrecked the Copenhagen deal? I was in the room | Mark Lynas | Environment | The Guardian
Now we know what happened behind the closed doors. Surprise? Hardly so.
It is interesting to notice that the deniers in both USA and China think that "climate change" is a conspiracy against their own country. Now it is CHINA that wrecked the negotiation, so will Chinese government be a friend to those climate change deniers in USA? What will be their reactions? Hail the wisdom of Chinese? I won't bet on it.
My take from the article:
The "democratic" leaders more inclined to bend to short-term political calculations, not the long term national interest, than leaders from China, who pay little attention to "voters" sentiment. At the same time, Chinese leaders not really ready to take the burden of being a world leader / empire.
Above all, Obama needed to be able to demonstrate to the Senate that he could deliver China in any global climate regulation framework, so conservative senators could not argue that US carbon cuts would further advantage Chinese industry. With midterm elections looming, Obama and his staff also knew that Copenhagen would be probably their only opportunity to go to climate change talks with a strong mandate. This further strengthened China's negotiating hand, ...
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Distilling famous thinkers
I sided with Tyler Cowen on this. Especially point 3 and 4.
3. The errors of top thinkers are often more interesting and instructive than their successes. Distillers have a hard time capturing these errors and their fruitfulness.Reading books is like a conversation with the authors. Surely I want to talk to those great thinkers.
4. We often read great thinkers not to learn what they understood but also to set our minds racing and to find interesting new questions. Great thinkers are usually better at supplying this service than are their distillers.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Freeze you burnt hard-drive
I found out that my hard drive failed after returned from vacation. Probably due to the unsuccessful shut-down before I left. The system cannot recognize the hard drive, or when it can recognize it, the hard drive reads very slowly, and then, disappeared.
A quick google gave me stories of people "freeze" the hard drive in the freezer to buy some time back up the important data.
No matter what the mechanism, it works on my hard drive. I got about 10g copy each time I freeze the hard drive. Enough to copy the personal data. I will keep doing this to see how much I can get off it before I send it back for warranty replacement.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Career Path
When top levels guys look down, they see only shit.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Who will be loser of the price war between Walmart and Amazon
Wal-Mart and Amazon have figured out how to fight a price war and win: make sure someone else takes the blows.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Iphone Killer! Again?
Android is trying to kill Windows Mobile, not the iPhone.I like the analogy between IPhone vs. Android and Mac vs. PC. It makes sense. I won't be surprised to see an Android boom, and won't be bothered by the failure of windows mobile.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
How to Win Friends and Influence People
How can you "Win Friends and Influence People" by stating the obvious over and over again and throwing out big names and quotes without context?
There are some fair points, summarized nicely in Wikipedia. A little better than common sense.
Fundamental Techniques in Handling People
- Don't criticize, condemn or complain.
- Give honest and sincere appreciation.
- Arouse in the other person an eager want....
Six Ways to Make People Like You
- Become genuinely interested in other people.
- Smile.
- Remember that a man's Name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
- Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.
- Talk in the terms of the other man's interest.
- Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely.
Twelve Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking
- Avoid arguments.
- Show respect for the other person's opinions. Never tell someone they are wrong.
- If you're wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
- Begin in a friendly way.
- Start with questions the other person will answer yes to.
- Let the other person do the talking.
- Let the other person feel the idea is his/hers.
- Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
- Sympathize with the other person.
- Appeal to noble motives.
- Dramatize your ideas.
- Throw down a challenge.
Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment
- Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
- Call attention to other people's mistakes indirectly.
- Talk about your own mistakes first.
- Ask questions instead of directly giving orders.
- Let the other person save face.
- Praise every improvement.
- Give them a fine reputation to live up to.
- Encourage them by making their faults seem easy to correct.
- Make the other person happy about doing what you suggest.
Prelude to divorce?
Wake Up Washington! China Is Already Dumping the Dollar, Niall Ferguson Says
Posted Oct 20, 2009 11:52am EDT by Aaron Task in Newsmakers, Commodities
Just as U.S. policymakers are too sanguine about China's military power, Harvard Professor Niall Ferguson says Washington D.C. is too complacent about China's ability to wean itself off the dollar. With about 1.7 trillion of dollar-denominated assets (mainly Treasuries) in its foreign currency reserves, conventional wisdom goes something like this: If China were to diversify away from the dollar or merely allow the renminbi to float, much less dump its greenbacks wholesale, they would be shooting themselves in the proverbial foot. That's both as investors and because further dollar weakness would put a damper on their biggest export market. (A weaker dollar makes foreign goods more expensive for Americans, meaning Chinese imports would become less "cheap.")
This view is "slightly naive," according to Ferguson, author of The Ascent of Money.
"The idea they don't have anywhere else to go or would shoot themselves in the foot if there were a steep decline in the dollar or appreciation of their currency reassures many people in Washington ‘we can relax'," he says. "An appreciation of the renminbi may reduce value of their international reserves but increases the value of every other asset the Chinese own," most notably the commodity assets they have been buying all over the world.
China's "current strategy is to diversify out of dollars and into commodities," Ferguson says. Furthermore, China's recent pact with Brazil to conduct trade in their local currencies is a "sign of the times."
Perhaps most importantly, China's massive stimulus program is helping to generate internal consumption in the People's Republic, meaning local manufacturers are less dependent on exports. Because of the "rapid growth" of Chinese domestic consumption, Ferguson predicts China's international trade surplus could be gone by next year.
"People in Washington rather assume because the U.S. consumer was so dominant there really isn't a substitute," Ferguson says. But China's trade surplus stood at $12.9 billion in September, down about 56% from a year earlier, according to
From 1998-2007, China engaged in a form of vendor financing, lending money to the U.S. so the U.S. would buy Chinese goods, Ferguson explains. "I think that model has basically broken. They know it and have a new one in which we play a much less important role."
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
TARP is good, but ...
US watchdog says TARP helped stabilize system,
Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:57am EDT
WASHINGTON, Oct 21 (Reuters) - The U.S. government's $700 billion financial rescue program has helped to stabilize the system, but may be creating systemic problems by fueling a belief banks will always be bailed out, a watchdog for the program said on Wednesday.
"Compared to where we were last October there is no question that the system if far more stable. We were on the precipice and I think the (Troubled Asset Relief Program) contributed with the other programs to pull us back," Neil Barofsky, the special inspector general for the program, told CNBC.
"But I do think because of the moral hazard, because of some systemic risks that are associated with making these institutions bigger and bigger ... systemically we may be in a more dangerous place even then we were a year ago," he said. (Reporting by Tim Ahmann, Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)
Elsewhere at NPR's Marketplace:
TARP unlikely to bring taxpayer returns
... [Neil Barofsky] said that out of the $700 billion bailout, there's about $317 billion left. He says we will not get all the money back. Mainly because of AIG and the auto companies, which took some of that TARP money. And he said this this morning on CNBC. After saying that the TARP was successful in rescuing the banks, he did have this caveat.
Niall Ferguson on the coming divorce of Chimerica.
Niall Ferguson: U.S. Empire in Decline, on Collision Course with China
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Divorce? !
Paul Krugman interprets the speech of Bernanke as part of the argument between the couples.
Of course, there are no lack of complaints from the Chinese side.
So probably the question is not whether there will be a divorce. It's gonna happen. The question is when, and whether it will be peaceful one.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A look beneath the WASPish veneer
Tad Friend, who wrote a New Yorker column about how his WASP parents lived without the money and prestige they'd once known, has written a book on the history of his family. It's called "Cheerful Money." He discusses it with Kai Ryssdal.Also New Yorker
Tad Friend's article about his mother.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Dow at 10,000
With the DJIA approaching 10,000 again, let’s reminisce about 1999, the year it first passed that magic level on March 29th. Millennium by the Backstreet Boys was the best selling album, American Beauty won the Academy Award, the Euro was established, SpongeBob SquarePants aired for the first time, Hugo Chavez was elected President of Venezuela, Karl Malone, Pudge, Chipper Jones, Jagr and Kurt Warner won MVP awards and the average price of a gallon of gasoline at the pump was about $1.20. US nominal GDP ended at $9.6b vs $14.1 as of Q2 ‘09. Also, on March 29th 1999, the DXY was at 100.36 (now 75.60), the CRB was at 192.40 (now 269.15), gold was at $280 (now $1,060), oil was $16.44 (now $74.80), corn was $2.32 (now $3.85), copper was $.62 (now $2.83), the 10 yr yield was 5.19% (now 3.38%), and the fed funds rate was at 4.75% (now 0-.25%). Oh, how time flies.
Monday, October 12, 2009
What is certain is that the industry is in a state of flux which could turn the oil and gas industry upside down over the next 10 years.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Proposed Costco fuel settlement: $0 for class, $10M for attorneys.
Costco, along with other fuel retailers, has been sued over the way it measures gallons of fuel in some states. The putative class plaintiffs have settled the case--for zero dollars for the class, and ten million dollars for the attorneys.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The lost Symbol
- "A collection of ideas is not a plot."
- formulaic
- he wrote a book designed to hit you with made-up facts to support a made-up philosophy.
- His story-lines are choked with forced dialogue and contrived situations. His characters are one-dimensional caricatures who spend most of their time monologuing to explain to the dimmest of readers about what is happening and why. His formulaic and predictable plots are tiresome.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Last Days of Lehman Brothers
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Leaked? Beatles on iTune, 9/9/09
he story kicked off with the headline:
“The whole of the Beatles back catalogue will be made available to buy on iTunes, Yoko Ono has told Sky News.”But almost immediately after publishing the story Sky News killed it, leaving nothing but a blank pagein its wake. Google News had a cache of it for a brief time, but that too has apparently disappeared in record time. 9to5mac
spotted the article and reached Sky News for more information, only to be told that the news organization was unable to comment.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Compare this to the photo taken then:
My question is who bowed to who?
Why Good Managers Make Bad Decisions
And on "What are some of the ways leaders can avoid making bad decisions?"
- Leaders tend to rely on past experience that seems useful, but is actually sometimes dangerous.
- A second reason has to do with self-interest. Most people don't realize self-interest operates at a subconscious level.
- The third one is what we call prejudgments. Leaders make prejudgments about their businesses that sometimes turn out to be wrong.
- The fourth one is what we call attachments -- attachments to people or places or things.
People need to recognize that we are biased in every single situation. There's no such thing as objectivity.
The first thing leaders should do to reduce their odds of making bad decisions is walk into an important decision situation saying, "Ok, I know that we are potentially biased in a variety of ways. Let's try to identify what those are."
Second is to avoid the "yes man" trap. You have to bring different people and different data sources to the table. You want to add a "no team" to argue against the proposal, and put some teeth behind that no team.
Positive thinking
I am not so sure that positive thinking is hard. An example would be the Endowment Effect. Sometimes, negative thinking is hard, when you have it, or already started it. Positive thinking is hard, when you don't have it yet, have not started it yet.[I]t's been shown over and over again that it improves performance over negative thinking.
Key question then: why do smart people engage in negative thinking? ...
The reason, I think, is that negative thinking feels good. In its own way, we believe that negative thinking works. Negative thinking feels realistic, or soothes our pain, or eases our embarrassment. Negative thinking protects us and lowers expectations.
In many ways, negative thinking is a lot more fun than positive thinking. So we do it.
If positive thinking was easy, we'd do it all the time. Compounding this difficulty is our belief that the easy thing (negative thinking) is actually appropriate, it actually works for us. The data is irrelevant. We're the exception, so we say.
Positive thinking is hard. Worth it, though.
Both are valuable. The million-dollar question is how to strike the balance.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Leadership is scarce because few people are willing to go through the discomfort required to lead.Here is another excerpt from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.
The scarcity makes leadership valuable. If everyone tries to lead all the time, not much happens. It’s discomfort that creates the leverage that makes leadership worthwhile.
In other words, if everyone could do it, they would, and it wouldn’t be worth much.
It’s uncomfortable to stand up in front of strangers.
It’s uncomfortable to propose an idea that might fail.
It’s uncomfortable to challenge the status quo.
It’s uncomfortable to resist the urge to settle.
When you identify the discomfort, you’ve found the place where a leader is needed.
If you’re not uncomfortable in your work as a leader, it’s almost certain you’re not reaching your potential as a leader.
She[Dagny] took positions of responsibility because there was no one else to take them. There were a few rare men of talent around her, but they were becoming rarer every year. Her superiors, who held the authority, seemed afraid to exercise it, they spent their time avoiding decisions, so she told people what to do and they did it.
At every step of her rise, she did the work long before she was granted the title. It was like advancing through empty rooms. Nobody opposed her, yet nobody approved of her progress.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation | Video on
Surprising? Maybe not. The "science" known to general public is handpicked by the privileged few for their benefit.
Is it gonna change? Probably.
Watch this with the book "Free".
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
read to confirm?
Some people read business books looking for confirmation. I read them in search of disquiet. Confirmation is cheap, easy and ineffective. Restlessness and the scientific method, on the other hand, create a culture of testing and inquiry that can't help but push you forward.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Niall Ferguson - A Bit of Blather with Bookworms then it’s off for a Wild Swim
The fatal flaw of Versailles, we concurred, was the attempt by Woodrow Wilson to draw the map of Europe on the principle of self-determination, whereby states and peoples would be one and the same.
This overlooked the fact that eastern Europe was a heterogeneous patchwork of ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. It also created a contradiction, since applying self-determination consistently would have made Germany bigger than it had been before the first world war.
You only have to spend a little time in the Welsh Marches to see the dangers of idealising the homogeneous nation-state. People move and mingle; you can’t pin blood and soil together.
Niall Ferguson - A Bit of Blather with Bookworms then it’s off for a Wild Swim
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Google voice on iphone
But, the iphone apps are blocked, both google official app and the third party GV Mobile. A lot of noises were generated during last days. It seems ATT denied the resposibility for this. Well, Apple does not any incentive to do this other than to please the carrier, ATT. The rhetorics from ATT might be a sign, we might be able to see it in apple store some time. If it does not happen, I will simply jailbreak the iphone.
The 2-year contracts with ATT sucks, but I can live with it. It is another thing if ATT/Apple continue to block good apps, and jailbreak is just one click button away anyway.
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Great American Bubble Machine?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Keep a baby photo in your wallet
When faced with the photograph of the baby people were far more likely to send the wallet back, the study found. In fact, only one in ten were hard-hearted enough not to do so. With no picture to tug at the emotions, just one in seven were sent back.
iphone app (again)
Nimbuzz has push as an IM client.
Fstream provides online radio
Stanza has some Chinese catalog. It kills a lot of my time.
WebMD is nice to have.
Lyrical displays lyric while playing with iPod.
Textplus+ sends free text sms.
Monday, June 29, 2009
A what-man
What would today's teeangers say about the Walkman? BBC has the answer.
Giving up my iPod for a WalkmanWhen the Sony Walkman was launched, 30 years ago this week, it started a revolution in portable music. But how does it compare with its digital successors? The Magazine invited 13-year-old Scott Campbell to swap his iPod for a Walkman for a week.
My dad had told me it was the iPod of its day.
He had told me it was big, but I hadn't realised he meant THAT big. It was the size of a small book.
When I saw it for the first time, its colour also struck me. Nowadays gadgets come in a rainbow of colours but this was only one shade - a bland grey.
1: Clunky buttons 2: Switch to metal (that's a type of cassette, not heavy rock music) 3: Battery light - usually found flickering in its death throes 4: Double headphone jack (not to be found on an iPod) 5: Door ejects - watch out for flying tapes and eye injuries
So it's not exactly the most aesthetically pleasing choice of music player. If I was browsing in a shop maybe I would have chosen something else.
From a practical point of view, the Walkman is rather cumbersome, and it is certainly not pocket-sized, unless you have large pockets. It comes with a handy belt clip screwed on to the back, yet the weight of the unit is enough to haul down a low-slung pair of combats.
When I wore it walking down the street or going into shops, I got strange looks, a mixture of surprise and curiosity, that made me a little embarrassed.
As I boarded the school bus, where I live in Aberdeenshire, I was greeted with laughter. One boy said: "No-one uses them any more." Another said: "Groovy." Yet another one quipped: "That would be hard to lose."
My friends couldn't imagine their parents using this monstrous box, but there was interest in what the thing was and how it worked.
In some classes in school they let me listen to music and one teacher recognised it and got nostalgic.
It took me three days to figure out that there was another side to the tape. That was not the only naive mistake that I made; I mistook the metal/normal switch on the Walkman for a genre-specific equaliser, but later I discovered that it was in fact used to switch between two different types of cassette.
“ I managed to create an impromptu shuffle feature simply by holding down 'rewind' and releasing it randomly ”
Another notable feature that the iPod has and the Walkman doesn't is "shuffle", where the player selects random tracks to play. Its a function that, on the face of it, the Walkman lacks. But I managed to create an impromptu shuffle feature simply by holding down "rewind" and releasing it randomly - effective, if a little laboured.
I told my dad about my clever idea. His words of warning brought home the difference between the portable music players of today, which don't have moving parts, and the mechanical playback of old. In his words, "Walkmans eat tapes". So my clumsy clicking could have ended up ruining my favourite tape, leaving me music-less for the rest of the day.
Digital relief
Throughout my week using the Walkman, I came to realise that I have very little knowledge of technology from the past. I made a number of naive mistakes, but I also learned a lot about the grandfather of the MP3 Player.
You can almost imagine the excitement about the Walkman coming out 30 years ago, as it was the newest piece of technology at the time.
Perhaps that kind of anticipation and excitement has been somewhat lost in the flood of new products which now hit our shelves on a regular basis.
Personally, I'm relieved I live in the digital age, with bigger choice, more functions and smaller devices. I'm relieved that the majority of technological advancement happened before I was born, as I can't imagine having to use such basic equipment every day.
Having said all that, portable music is better than no music.
Now, for technically curious readers, I've directly compared the portable cassette player with its latter-day successor. Here are the main cons, and even a pro, I found with this piece of antique technology.
This is the function that matters most. To make the music play, you push the large play button. It engages with a satisfying clunk, unlike the finger tip tap for the iPod.
When playing, it is clearly evident that the music sounds significantly different than when played on an MP3 player, mainly because of the hissy backtrack and odd warbly noises on the Walkman.
The warbling is probably because of the horrifically short battery life; it is nearly completely dead within three hours of firing it up. Not long after the music warbled into life, it abruptly ended.
With the plethora of MP3 players available on the market nowadays, each boasting bigger and better features than its predecessor, it is hard to imagine the prospect of purchasing and using a bulky cassette player instead of a digital device.
Furthermore, there were a number of buttons protruding from the top and sides of this device to provide functions such as "rewinding" and "fast-forwarding" (remember those?), which added even more bulk.
As well as this, the need for changing tapes is bothersome in itself. The tapes which I had could only hold around 12 tracks each, a fraction of the capacity of the smallest iPod.
Did my dad, Alan, really ever think this was a credible piece of technology?
"I remembered it fondly as a way to enjoy what music I liked, where I liked," he said. "But when I see it now, I wonder how I carried it!"
But it's not all a one-way street when you line up a Walkman against an iPod. The Walkman actually has two headphone sockets, labelled A and B, meaning the little music that I have, I can share with friends. To plug two pairs of headphones in to an iPod, you have to buy a special adapter.
Another useful feature is the power socket on the side, so that you can plug the Walkman into the wall when you're not on the move. But given the dreadful battery life, I guess this was an outright necessity rather than an extra function.
Ahhh - the good ol' days, before MP3 players... This was state of the art when I was growing up (in the mid 80s), and my original Walkman is still going strong. It was the one with the metal case, and survived more than one drop off the desk. The only drawback was the fact that I had to have the "rubber bands" replaced on a regular basis - but at least you could repair it, unlike the successors. Ok - the battery life wasn't great, but you could overcome that by using the mains adaptor when you were hiding in your room. Karen, Leamington Spa
I've got really fond memories of my Walkman from 1999 - my boyfriend had a CD player (bulky) and minted mates had MiniDiscs (too expensive) but I loved making mixtapes for friends and personalising the labels. It wasn't anywhere near as big as the one in this story - then again, thank God flares were in fashion and we all had such massive pockets! Maggie Stuart, London, UK
Oh - how I laughed when I read Scott's account: it's all true! It's so hard now to see how excited we were to have these - but looking back, not only were they bulky, but if you wanted to listen to more than one album you had to carry pockets-full of tapes. If you waved them back and forward the sound also went warbly and I can vividly remember the great advancement for the '2nd generation': auto change direction which meant you didn't have to turn the tape over when you got to the end!! Rob, Dalkeith
I've had several mp3 players, the batteries last for random times as I can never find a USB cable with a silly connector, mp3 players also do not switch off they just go until they're flat. They work randomly as the software which thrown together in a sweat shop is utter rubbish. The headphones invariably last a period measured in days if you don't lose them in the first place, I also had to put a carabiner on my player that makes a nonsense of its minute size, otherwise I just lose it for weeks on end. Being a control freak, I can't stand the "shuffle" function and I lose patience about having to fire up a PC and faff with deleting and copying files. I had a walkman, for years and years, with one set of headphones, it worked Jeff, Glos
I remember some young people going out wearing these as a sort of status symbol, even if they had no batteries!
However they still have a role; I got one from eBay for my partially sighted dad so he can play his audio books. Troy, Basildon, Essex
I remember my first few Walkmen - I say few, as I must have had at least three or four of them during my adolescence due to death by seaside, breakfast food, motor exhaustion, melting, etc. They were a source of both great joy and incredible frustration, as you either had to deliberately break up any journey to buy batteries, or carry a pack with you, everywhere you went. They also chewed up and spat out tapes, especially mix tapes of great sentimental value with alarming regularity, and as battery juice ran out, the motor would slow, risking stretching the tape to a sound that DJs would love, but that drove everyone else crazy! Katherine, London
Ahhhhh, I was never rich enough to own a Walkman. I had two or three "other" manufacturer versions in latter years. I do remember I had a rich friend who got one the week they came out. I was absolutely astounded with the sound quality. It was a brilliant piece of technology for its day and I recall that its launch was as hyped as that for the iPod. Andy, MIlton Keynes, UK
Interesting that Scott thinks that "the majority of technological advancement happened before I was born". Don't you think that's what we all thought, all those years ago? I've every expectation that in 25 years time Scott's children will be looking with horror at the iPods of old and Scott will be scratching his head and trying to keep up with the latest developments. Anne-Marie, London
I remember listening to the Walkman for the first time on a school picnic in 1985. I was 11 years old then. We were in the school bus and this classmate of mine proudly started flaunting his Walkman that one of his uncles' had got him from the US. I had absolutely no idea what it was until he asked me to put on the headphones. With me in anticipation he then pressed "Play". I swear I can never forget what my first song on the Walkman sounded like. The song was Michael Jackson's "Wanna be starting something" and the way I could appreciate different sounds in spatial, 3D clarity was amazing. I begged my classmate to let me listen to one more song but he was a shrewd businessman. Before he hit the play button again I had to pay a fee for the liberty of listening to his prized possession! Dr Maajed J. Wani, Srinagar, Kashmir, India
I use both, however my Walkman is a (what was state of the art) Sony WM-DD3 direct drive (no warbling) Dolby Noise reduction (no hiss). Although the latter obviously is physically larger and far inferior in terms of track capacity to an iPod or equivalent, what it does do is beat my digital device hands down when it comes to dynamic range, sound quality and richness. Secondly, since a cassette is typically no longer than 45 minutes in length, I am thankfully limited to my oblivion of the world around me and the annoyance to others especially on public transport. Quality not quantity Paul, Beeston Notts
The Sony Walkman was fairly pricey and a lot of us had to make do with cheaper versions. Many of these personal stereos (as they were called in the UK) lacked a 'rewind' function which meant the listener had to repeatedly flip the cassette over, 'fast-forward' a while, then flip the tape back! The double headphone socket was another feature lacking in the cheaper makes but a further social-friendly feature on later models of the Walkman was the big orange 'hotline' button. If someone wanted to say something to the listener, they could hold this down and it would mute the music so they could be heard. Rechargeable batteries and an 'anti-roll' mechanism were essential if you truly wanted to enjoy music on the move in those days. Lee Morgan, Isle of Wight
Story from BBC NEWS:
Published: 2009/06/29 10:10:27 GMT
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
My iphone apps
- Tweetdeck
- IM+ (not able to work background)
- Zillow
- Yelp
- Pandora
- Stanza
- WebMD
- Starry Night (web application)
- Zoho
- TED (broken in OS 3.0)
Wanted List:
- Podcast client
- Painter (finger drawing)
- Fidelity client apps
Friday, June 19, 2009
Detriot as Next Bangalore?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
134.5 Billion?
Federal authorities charged a Dallas woman in connection with a scam to sell billions of dollars in fraudulent Federal Reserve notes, including some with a face value of $500 million.
. . . "You would think the half billion dollar denomination would be a dead giveaway that these notes are fake, but people are nevertheless taken in," Jennifer Silliman, special agent in charge for ICE's office of investigations in Los Angeles, said in a written statement.
Open source Risk Rating
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Stark warnings to China Bulls
View of the Day: China bulls will be let down
By Albert Edwards
Published: June 17 2009 15:09 | Last updated: June 17 2009 15:09
The wholehearted belief in China’s economic recovery could turn out to be the biggest disappointment yet for investors, warns Albert Edwards, global strategist at Société Générale.
“The ongoing enthusiasm for all things China reminds me of the way investors were almost totally blind to the fact the US growth miracle was built on sand,” he says.
“We saw this same investor mania 13 years ago with the Asian Bubble, which the consensus thought was a growth miracle.”
At the heart of Mr Edwards’ scepticism lies doubts about the accuracy of official data releases.
“The Chinese data is derided by economic commentators,” he notes. “Many have highlighted that GDP growth seems inconsistent with other data, such as electricity output. Yet few dare to point out that the emperors’ clothes might be absent – and when they do, they are met with robust official rebuttals.”
“That is not to say that the fiscal stimulus has not had a beneficial effect on Chinese activity this year. What I question is the quaint notion that the Chinese economy can grow at a respectable rate when the rest of the world is in a deep recession.
“I believe the bullish group-think on China is just as vulnerable to massive disappointment as any other extreme of bubble nonsense I have seen over the last two decades.
“The fall to earth will be equally as shocking.”
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Business plot
In the summer of 1933, shortly after Roosevelt's "First 100 Days," America's richest businessmen were in a panic. It was clear that Roosevelt intended to conduct a massive redistribution of wealth from the rich to the poor. Roosevelt had to be stopped at all costs. ...
I also found the story pertinent because the government is engaged in its biggest economic rescue since FDR. If high-powered politicians and businessman were able to band together in an attempted coup then, what’s stopping them now? Better surveillance, perhaps? A more centralized government?
Hard Books
Hard ideas define a culture — that of serious reading, an institution vital to democracy itself. In a recent article, Stephen L. Carter, Yale law professor and novelist, underscores "the importance of reading books that are difficult. Long books. Hard books. Books with which we have to struggle. The hard work of serious reading mirrors the hard work of serious governing — and, in a democracy, governing is a responsibility all citizens share." The challenge for university presses is to better turn our penchant for hard ideas to greater purpose.
iphone 3gs
Monday, June 08, 2009
What can money buy? Search engine version

Maybe it is not the best way to spend millions of dollars. It is not too difficult to buy hype, but much more difficult to buy loyalty. Even though BING is good, but it is not great yet. It is just another but-its-not-google search engine. We would like to keep it around so that google will not sleep on their technology front, and we can use it as an alternative from time to time.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Seth explains Bing
The next Google
Microsoft, home of the Zune, has just announced that they're going to launch Bing, a rebranding and reformatting of their search engine. So far, they've earmarked $100 million just for the marketing.
Bing, of course, stands for But It's Not Google. The problem, as far as I can tell, is that it is trying to be the next Google. And the challenge for Microsoft is that there already is a next Google. It's called Google.
Google is not seen as broken by many people, and a hundred million dollars trying to persuade us that it is, is money poorly spent. In times of change, the rule is this:
Don't try to be the 'next'. Instead, try to be the other, the changer, the new.
If Microsoft adds a few features and they prove popular, how long precisely will it take Google to mirror or even leapfrog those features?
With $100 million, you could build (or even buy) something remarkable. Something that spread online without benefit of a lot of yelling and shouting. Something that changes the game in a fundamental way. The internet works best when you build a network, not when you buy a brand. In fact, I can't think of one successful online brand that was built with cash.
[For an answer to the popular question: "The next Seth Godin" and a few more pithy Q&A, click here]
[For a preview of the real next Google, check out this presentation of Google Wave. As a presentation geek, I need to point out that the intro (the first 2 minutes) is a fantastic example of how someone (you?) can stand up in front of 4,000 people with no slides and make a significant introduction with no hesitation and no apologies.]