Thursday, July 29, 2004

It is a nice article, but still I am a little amused by the description of China. To what extent does he really understand China?
Collision Course? by Thomas A. Metzger

Friday, July 23, 2004

A nice essay, but I'd like to read some debates on this topic.
The Hudson Review | Bruce Bawer: "Hating America "

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Comparing 9/11 probe with Peal Harbor:
The coincidence prompts two thoughts:

• First, that hindsight is always warped. No matter how conveniently the pieces may seem to fit together years after the fact, it's highly improbable that either incident could have been prevented, given the circumstances before they occurred. Scapegoating is a waste of time.

• Second, that the task ahead — deterring terrorism — is enormous, as are weaknesses in U.S. intelligence-gathering. There is no quick, bureaucratic fix. - As 9/11 report arrives, remember Pearl Harbor: "déjà vu "

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

That said, there are real and important similarities that can illuminate our evaluations of current American policy. In fact, Iraq in some ways seems like the Vietnam War in hyperspeed.
The Chronicle: 7/9/2004: The Ghosts of War

Monday, July 12, 2004

"This report documents a national crisis," Gioia said. "Reading develops a capacity for focused attention and imaginative growth that enriches both private and public life. The decline in reading among every segment of the adult population reflects a general collapse in advanced literacy. To lose this human capacity - and all the diverse benefits it fosters - impoverishes both cultural and civic life."

NEA News Room: Literary Reading in Dramatic Decline, According to National Endowment for the Arts Survey